old notes

yum update: update software

guest edition ***:

how to install guest edition:

1) need to root: su –

2) yum install kernel-devel

3)yum install gcc* ( when don't remember name) — this is the compiler

4) on VB, click device tab and click install guest edition

linux as a desktop





yum install …..  redhat/centos install application  or library (yum package manager)

thundermail , audacity

ubuntu : apt-get intall (ubuntu package manager)

linux desktop 

(few important ones)


calibre office






server application on Linux

22 ssh openssh

23 telnet telnetd

25 smtp postfix,sendmail

52 dns bind,named

67 bootp dnsmasq,dhcpd

80 http apache

443 https apache

Server application 

Apache, MySQL,MONO(.net),CUPS(printing server).POSTFIX(mail transfer agent)

software development model:

Cathedral model :

Bazzar Model:

Linux Package Management:

Package: Dependency information.Version information, Architecture information, Binary packages (cpu specific)

two most common package System used for today:


Centos,Redora,Red hat,Suse enterprise,Opensusu   using RPM

Debian,Ubuntu,  using Debian

Arch pacman

slackware tarballs

most using RPM or Debian

Update software:

most distribution checking periodically 

or yum update

RPM based — yum   Debian based – APT

VI text editor

ESC :q!  quit without saving

which (application name)

show the path (where is this application)

apt-get(yum) remove

 remove –perge  ( remove library) —-follow by apt-get autoremove

apt-get dist-update

dpkg -i (need some dependency)  there will be error message if user didn't install all the dependency which unlike yum/apt-get install

apt-get update

apt-get -f upgrade  then dpkg -i *****.deb

mv *****   *****.deb(what ever)  rename

dpkg –get-selections | grep dropbox

dpkg –remove ***(file name)  remove all the binary files but not configuration files

in this way, you have to do is : dpkg –purge XXX.deb   it will remove purge configuration files associated with file


 rpm -i    (rpm for rpm install package file)



rpm -ihv xxxxx.rpm

rpm -q XXX tell package true name


which check if program if its been installed


yum remove nano

rpm -i

rpm based install

h progress show

v see the progress if its been failed

rpm -ihv nano-2.0……

rpm -q nano

name version   build version   architect system version

rpm -qi XXX

install date, group, size, license source rpm…… different other information

rpm -e XXX   uninstall the pacakge

rpm -qR XXX

yum update  : update the repository 

yum check-update

FSF freesoftware foundation

Open source initiative

Creative commons


continuous integration

building automation

treating your infrastructure like code

Iaas    Infrastructure as a service

PassS  platform as a service

SaaS  software as a Service


Continuous integration:

practice of merging development working copied with share source main multiple times per day

how you handle the source code, how offer you merge the source code

Continuous Delivery

keep producing valuable software in very short delivery cycles and ensures that those features can be reliably and consistently released at any point in time


Jenkins: deploy a simple software build to the custom creation of a Docker container 


allows you  to "treat your infrastructure as code"


a tool that packages up an application and all its dependencies in a "virtual container" so that it can be run on any Linux system or distribution

Docker components: daemon, client, Docker.io Registry

Vagrant: creates virtual machines

will provision the virtual machine via shell script or configuration management tool using like chef and puppet

vagrant does sort of fix on many host and guest setups

let vagrant handle the entire life cycle of development machines

  1. suspend, halt, resume virtual machines

  2. destroy your virtual machines and delete its metadata

  3. ssh to your machines

  4. package up your machines entire state and re distribute it to other development team member


  1. desktop virtualization

  2. containers

  3. cloud

Vagrant can work without virtual box

  • VMware

  • AWS EC2

  • any other

Vagrant init

Vagrant up

vagrant ssh

vagrant destroy

Vagrant is configured on a per project basis

Vim Vagrantfile

Vagrantfile wrote on Ruby

Vagrant Boxes: (template)

Boxes contains our base operating systems already setup

per project bases


Vagrant box list

Vagrant box 

vagrant status 

Accessing our Vagrant Virtual Machines

vagrant ssh :  


上一篇 2016-09-19
下一篇 2016-09-19


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