




        [root@centos6 Desktop]# echo "- – -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host2/scan






          /dev/sdc1 :对应/boot分区;

          /dev/sdc2 :对应根(rootfs)分区;


          [root@centos6 Desktop]# fdisk /dev/sdc

             Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System

          /dev/sdc1               1          65      522081   83  Linux

          /dev/sdc2              66        2610    20442712+  83  Linux



          [root@centos6 Desktop]# lsblk  /dev/sdc


          sdc      8:32   0    20G  0 disk

         ├─sdc1   8:33   0 509.9M  0 part

         └─sdc2   8:34   0  19.5G  0 part

          [root@centos6 Desktop]#



          [root@centos6 Desktop]# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1

          [root@centos6 Desktop]# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc2



        [root@centos6 Desktop]# mkdir /mnt/boot

        [root@centos6 Desktop]# mkdir /mnt/sysroot

        [root@centos6 Desktop]#



       [root@centos6 Desktop]# mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/boot/

       [root@centos6 Desktop]# mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/sysroot/



       [root@centos6 Desktop]# cp -rf /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64 /mnt/boot

       [root@centos6 Desktop]# cp -rf /boot/initramfs-2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64.img /mnt/boot

       [root@centos6 Desktop]#





       [root@centos6 Desktop]# grub-install –root-directory=/mnt  /dev/sdc

       Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.

       Installation finished. No error reported.

       This is the contents of the device map /mnt/boot/grub/device.map.

       Check if this is correct or not. If any of the lines is incorrect,

       fix it and re-run the script `grub-install'.


       (fd0) /dev/fd0

       (hd0) /dev/sda

       (hd1) /dev/sdb

       (hd2) /dev/sdc

       [root@centos6 Desktop]#



       1 default=0

       2 timeout=5

       3 title=centos6.8 small Linux

       4 kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64  ro root=/dev/sda2 selinux=0 init=/bin/bash

       5 initrd     /initramfs-2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64.img


 8、创建/mnt/sysroot目录下small Linux 根目录下的目录:

       [root@centos6 Desktop]# mkdir -pv /mnt/sysroot/




       [root@centos6 Desktop]# tree /mnt/sysroot/


      ├── bin

      ├── boot

      ├── dev

      ├── etc

      ├── home

      ├── lib

      ├── lib64

      ├── lost+found

      ├── media

      ├── mnt

      ├── opt

      ├── proc

      ├── root

      ├── sbin

      ├── sys

      ├── tmp

      ├── usr

      └── var

      18 directories, 0 files

      [root@centos6 Desktop]#



      [root@centos6 Desktop]# vim /mnt/sysroot/etc/fstab

      1 /dev/sda1   /boot   ext4  defaults 1 1

      2 /dev/sda2   /       ext4  defaults 1 2

     x  (保存退出)





       [root@centos6 Desktop]# vim /testdir/copycmd.sh

       1 #!/bin/bash


       3 ch_root="/mnt/sysroot"

       4 [ ! -d $ch_root ] && mkdir $ch_root


       6 bincopy() {

       7     if which $1 &>/dev/null; then


       9         local cmd_path=`which –skip-alias $1`

      10         local bin_dir=`dirname $cmd_path`

      11         [ -d ${ch_root}${bin_dir} ] || mkdir -p ${ch_root}${bin_dir}

      12         [ -f ${ch_root}${cmd_path} ] || cp $cmd_path ${ch_root}${bin_dir}

      13         return 0

      14     else

      15         echo "Command not found."

      16         return 1

      17     fi  

      18 }


      20 libcopy() {

      21     local lib_list=$(ldd `which –skip-alias $1` | grep -Eo '/[^[:space:]]+')

      22     for loop in $lib_list;do

      23         local lib_dir=`dirname $loop`

      24         [ -d ${ch_root}${lib_dir} ] || mkdir -p  ${ch_root}${lib_dir}

      25         [ -f ${ch_root}${loop} ] || cp $loop ${ch_root}${lib_dir}

      26     done

      27 }


      29 read -p "Please input a command: " command


      31 while [ "$command" != "quit" ];do

      32     if bincopy $command ;then

      33         libcopy $command

      34     fi

      35     read -p "Please input a command or quit: " command

      36 done



     [root@centos6 Desktop]# source /testdir/copycmd.sh

     Please input a command: bash

     Please input a command or quit: vim

     Please input a command or quit: reboot

     Please input a command or quit: poweroff

     Please input a command or quit: cd

     Please input a command or quit: ifconfig

     Please input a command or quit: cat

     Please input a command or quit: ls

     Please input a command or quit: hostname

     Please input a command or quit: init

     Please input a command or quit: passwd

     Please input a command or quit: tree

     Please input a command or quit: lsblk

     Please input a command or quit: blkid

     Please input a command or quit: shutdown

     Please input a command or quit: quit

     [root@centos6 Desktop]#













上一篇 2016-09-21
下一篇 2016-09-21


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