#!/bin/bash # declare -i sumlogin=0 declare -i sumnologin=0 for i in $(cut /etc/passwd -d: -f7);do if [[ "$i" == "/sbin/nologin" ]];then let sumnologin++ else let sumlogin++ fi done echo "totle nologin user $sumnologin\ntotle loging user $sumlogin" 执行结果: ~]# bash loginuser.sh totle nologin user 23 totle loging user 9
2、写一个脚本 (1) 获取当前主机的主机名,保存于hostname变量中; (2) 判断此变量的值是否为localhost,如果是,则将当前主机名修改为www.magedu.com; (3) 否则,则显示当前主机名;
#!/bin/sh # hostname=$(hostname) if [[ "$hostname" == "localhost.localdomain" ]];then hostname www.void.com echo "hostname change to $(hostname) ok" else echo "hostname is $hostname" fi 执行结果: a:hostname=localhost.localdomain ~]# bash hostname.sh hostname change to www.void.com ok b:hostname=test ~]# bash hostname.sh hostname is test
3、写一个脚本,完成如下功能 (1) 传递一个磁盘设备文件路径给脚本,判断此设备是否存在; (2) 如果存在,则显示此设备上的所有分区信息;
#!/bin/bash # if [ $# -lt 1 ];then echo "At least one arg!" exit 1 else if fdisk -l $1 &>/dev/null;then echo -e "$(fdisk -l $1)" else echo "The device is not exist!" fi fi 执行结果: a:参数不存在 ~]# bash device.sh At least one arg! b:设备不存在 ~]# bash device.sh /dev/sdb The device is not exist! c:设备存在 ~]# bash device.sh /dev/sda 磁盘 /dev/sda:21.5 GB, 21474836480 字节,41943040 个扇区 Units = 扇区 of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes 扇区大小(逻辑/物理):512 字节 / 512 字节 I/O 大小(最小/最佳):512 字节 / 512 字节 磁盘标签类型:dos 磁盘标识符:0x0004bb94 设备 Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 *2048 1026047 512000 83 Linux /dev/sda2 10260484194303920458496 8e Linux LVM
4、写一个脚本,完成如下功能 脚本能够接受一个参数; (1) 如果参数1为quit,则显示退出脚本, 并执行正常退出; (2) 如果参数1为yes,则显示继续执行脚本; (3) 否则,参数1为其它任意值,均执行非正常退出;
#!/bin/bash # read -p "Do you want to executing the script continue?[quit or yes]" arg case $arg in quit) echo "script is quit" exit 0 ;; yes) echo "continue!" ;; *) echo "what!!!" exit 2 ;; esac 执行结果: ~]# bash casetest.sh Do you want to executing the script continue?[quit or yes]quit script is quit ~]# echo $? 0 ~]# bash casetest.sh Do you want to executing the script continue?[quit or yes]yes continue! ~]# echo $? 0 ~]# bash casetest.sh Do you want to executing the script continue?[quit or yes]aaaaaa what!!! ~]# echo $? 2
5、写一个脚本,完成如下功能 传递一个参数给脚本,此参数为gzip、bzip2或者xz三者之一; (1) 如果参数1的值为gzip,则使用tar和gzip归档压缩/etc目录至/backups目录中,并命名为/backups/etc-20160613.tar.gz; (2) 如果参数1的值为bzip2,则使用tar和bzip2归档压缩/etc目录至/backups目录中,并命名为/backups/etc-20160613.tar.bz2; (3) 如果参数1的值为xz,则使用tar和xz归档压缩/etc目录至/backups目录中,并命名为/backups/etc-20160613.tar.xz; (4) 其它任意值,则显示错误压缩工具,并执行非正常退出;
#!/bin/bash # time=$(date +%Y%m%d) read -p "Please choose one compress Tool[gzip/bzip2/xz]" arg case $arg in gzip) tar -zcf /backups/etc-$time.tar.gz /etc &>/dev/null echo -e "compress etc-$time.tar.gz ok" ;; bzip2) tar -jcf /backups/etc-$time.tar.bz2 /etc &>/dev/null echo -e "compress etc-$time.tar.bz2 ok" ;; xz) tar -Jcf /backups/etc-$time.tar.xz /etc &>/dev/null echo -e "compress etc-$time.tar.xz ok" ;; *) echo "error compress Tool" ;; esac 执行结果: ~]# bash tar.sh Please choose one compress Tool[gzip/bzip2/xz]gzip compress etc-20161121.tar.gz ok ~]# ls /backups etc-20161121.tar.gz ~]# bash tar.sh Please choose one compress Tool[gzip/bzip2/xz]bzip2 compress etc-20161121.tar.bz2 ok ~]# ls /backups etc-20161121.tar.bz2 etc-20161121.tar.gz ~]# bash tar.sh Please choose one compress Tool[gzip/bzip2/xz]xz compress etc-20161121.tar.xz ok ~]# ls /backups etc-20161121.tar.bz2 etc-20161121.tar.gz etc-20161121.tar.xz ~]# bash tar.sh Please choose one compress Tool[gzip/bzip2/xz]test error compress Tool
6、写一个脚本,接受一个路径参数: (1) 如果为普通文件,则说明其可被正常访问; (2) 如果是目录文件,则说明可对其使用cd命令; (3) 如果为符号链接文件,则说明是个访问路径; (4) 其它为无法判断;
#!/bin/bash # if [ $# -lt 1 ];then echo "At least one arg!" exit 1 fi if ! [ -e $1 ];then echo "file is not exist" exit 2 fi if [ -f $1 ];then echo "this file can be access normal" elif [ -d $1 ];then echo "this file can be cd" elif [ -h $1 ];then echo "this is a link file" else echo "unkown" fi 执行结果: ~]# bash file.sh At least one arg! ~]# bash file.sh aaaa file is not exist ~]# bash file.sh /etc this file can be cd ~]# bash file.sh /etc/passwd this file can be access normal
7、写一个脚本,取得当前主机的主机名,判断 (1) 如果主机名为空或为localhost,或为"(none)",则将其命名为mail.magedu.com; (2) 否则,显示现有的主机名即可;
#!/bin/bash # hostname=$(hostname) if [ -z "$hostname" -o "$hostName" == "localhost.localdomain" -o "$hostname" == "localhost" ];then hostname mail.void.com echo "hostname has change to $(hostname)" else echo "$hostname" fi 执行结果: ~]# hostname localhost.localdomain ~]# bash changehost.sh hostname has change to mail.void.com ~]# hostname test ~]# hostname test ~]# bash changehost.sh hostname is test
8、写一脚本,接受一个用户名为参数; (1) 如果用户的id号为0,则显示其为管理员; (2) 如果用户的id号大于0且小于500, 则显示其为系统用户; (3) 否则,则显示其为普通用户;
#!/bin/bash # if [ $# -lt 1 ];then echo "at lease one arg" exit 1 fi if ! id $1 &>/dev/null;then echo "no such user" else userid=$(id -u $1) if [ $userid -eq 0 ];then echo "this is admin" elif [ $userid -gt 0 ] && [ $userid -lt 200 ];then echo "this is system user" else echo "this is normal user" fi fi 执行结果: ~]# bash readuser.sh at lease one arg ~]# bash readuser.sh root this is admin ~]# bash readuser.sh void this is normal user ~]# bash readuser.sh test no such user ~]# bash readuser.sh mail this is system user
10、写一个脚本,传递一个用户名参数给脚本; (1) 如果用户的id号大于等于500,且其默认shell为以sh结尾的字符串,则显示“a user can log system.”类的字符串; (2) 否则,则显示无法登录系统;
#!/bin/bash # if [ $# -lt 1 ];then echo "at least one arg" exit 1 fi if ! id $1 &>/dev/null;then echo "no such user" exit 2 fi userid=$(id -u $1) if [ $userid -ge 500 ] && grep "^$1.*sh$" /etc/passwd &>/dev/null;then echo "a user can log system" else echo "the user can't login" fi 执行结果: ~]# useradd test1 -u 550 -s /sbin/nologin ~]# useradd test2 -u 300 -s /bin/bash ~]# useradd test3 -u 551 -s /bin/bash ~]# bash userread.sh at least one arg ~]# bash userread.sh ddddddd no such user ~]# bash userread.sh test1 the user can't login ~]# bash userread.sh test2 the user can't login ~]# bash userread.sh test3 a user can log system