#!/bin/bash # check the user could login by default or not,and how many it is # 20161211 declare logini declare nologinj for ((i=1;i<=$(cat /etc/passwd|wc -l);i++)) do defaultshell=$(head -$i /etc/passwd|sed '$!d'|cut -d':' -f7) if [ $defaultshell == /sbin/nologin ];then logini=$(($logini+1)) else nologinj=$(($nologinj+1)) fi done echo "the default login_user has $logini,the others has $nologinj" 或者 #!/bin/bash # # declare nologini declare othersj for ((i=1;i<=$(cat /etc/passwd|wc -l);i++)) do if [ $(head -$i /etc/passwd|sed '$!d'|sed 's/^.*://') == /sbin/nologin ] then nologini=$(($nologini+1)) else othersj=$(($othersj+1)) fi done echo "the default login users is $nologini,the others is $othersj"
#!/bin/bash # check the $HOSTNAME if it's localhost,then change it to www.mageedu.com ;else display it # 20161212 hostname=$(hostname) if [ $hostname == localhost ] ||[ $hostname == localhost.localdomain ] then hostname "www.mageedu.com" echo -e 'I change HOSTNAME is $hostname\n' else echo -e $hostname fi
#!/bin/bash # please input a device ,check if it's a block device ,so display the partition # read -p "Please input a block device,like:sda、sdb:" device if [ -b /dev/$device ] then echo "the $device is a block device:/dev/$device;and its partition like:" lsblk /dev/$device else echo "$device is not exist!" fi
#!/bin/bash # while you input 'quit',the shell exit 0;input 'yes' the shell continue;input other command the shell exit 1 # read -p "please input yes,quit,*:" l case $l in yes) echo "the shell end with no error" exit 0 ;; quit) echo "the shell continue" continue ;; *) echo "the shell out within error" exit 1 ;; esac
#!/bin/bash # tar /etc/* with bzip2,gzip,xz # if [ $# == 0 ] then echo " you must choose a option(like bzip2,gzip,xz)!" else case $1 in gzip) tar -czvf /backups/etc-20161212.tar.gz /etc/* ;; bzip2) tar -P -cjvf /backups/etc-20161212.tar.bz2 /etc/* ;; xz) tar -Jcvf /backups/etc-20161212.tar.xz /etc/* ;; esac ls -al /backups fi
#!/bin/bash # check the file or directory 's type # 20161213 if [ $# -eq 0 ];then echo "you must insert a file or directory!" elif [ -f $1 ];then echo "$1 is a file and you can read/write it" elif [ -d $1 ];then echo "$1 is a directory,you can access it with COMMAND 'cd'" elif [ -l $1 ];then echo "$1 is a link file" else echo "i can't fond what type it is" fi
#!/bin/bash # check the user's type,it's operater or ordinery user # 20161213 if [ $# -eq 0 ];then echo "Please input a username!just one" elif `id -u $1>>/dev/null 2>&1`;[ $? != 0 ];then echo "the user $1 isn't fond" && exit 1 elif [ `id -u $1` -eq 0 ];then echo "$1 is root" elif [ `id -u $1` -lt 500 ];then echo "$1 is a operator" else echo "$1 is a user" fi
9、写一个脚本,传递一个用户名参数给脚本;如果用户的id号大于等于500,且其默认shell为以sh结尾的字符串,则显示“a user can log system"类的字符串
#!/bin/bash # check user's ID greater than 500 and the last two character of the default SHELL is sh # 20161213 if [ $# -eq 0 ];then echo 'Please insert a username!' elif `id -u $1 >>/dev/null 2>&1`;[ $? != 0 ];then echo "The user isn't fond" elif [ $(id -u $1) -ge 500 ] && [ $(grep $1 /etc/passwd|sed 's/.*://'|grep -o "sh$") == sh ];then echo "The user $1 can login system" else echo "The user'ID is $(id -u $1),the user cannt login" fi
脚本可以先运行下~~第2个脚本,犯了一个强弱引用的错误;第3个脚本,输入 “yes” 和 “quit” 的执行结果和要求不一致;第3个脚本,漏掉了任意项;第7个脚本,建议动手换个方式实现下;等等