#!/bin/bash declare -i user_can_not_login_count; declare -i user_can_login_count; for line in $(cat /etc/passwd); do IFS=':' read -r -a cols <<< $line if [ ${cols[-1]} == '/sbin/nologin' ]; then let user_can_not_login_count+=1; else let user_can_login_count+=1; fi done echo $user_can_not_login_count, "can not login to system remotely" echo $user_can_login_count, "can login to system remotely"
(1) 获取当前主机的主机名,保存于hostname变量中;
(2) 判断此变量的值是否为localhost,如果是,则将当前主机名修改为www.magedu.com;
(3) 否则,则显示当前主机名;
#!/bin/bash if [[ $(hostname) =~ localhost* ]]; then hostname 'www.mageedu.com' fi echo $(hostname)
(1) 传递一个磁盘设备文件路径给脚本,判断此设备是否存在;
(2) 如果存在,则显示此设备上的所有分区信息;
#!/bin/bash if [[ -b $1 ]]; then fdisk -l $1 else echo "$1 is not a disk" fi
(1) 如果参数1为quit,则显示退出脚本,并执行正常退出;
(2) 如果参数1为yes,则显示继续执行脚本;
(3) 否则,参数1为其它任意值,均执行非正常退出;
#!/bin/bash if [[ $1 == 'quit' ]]; then echo ‘quit normally’; exit 0; elif [[ $1 == 'ok' ]]; then echo "continue"; exit 0; else echo 'unknow error'; exit 1; fi
(1) 如果参数1的值为gzip,则使用tar和gzip归档压缩/etc目录至/backups目录中,并命名为/backups/etc-20160613.tar.gz;
(2) 如果参数1的值为bzip2,则使用tar和bzip2归档压缩/etc目录至/backups目录中,并命名为/backups/etc-20160613.tar.bz2;
(3) 如果参数1的值为xz,则使用tar和xz归档压缩/etc目录至/backups目录中,并命名为/backups/etc-20160613.tar.xz;
(4) 其它任意值,则显示错误压缩工具,并执行非正常退出;
#!/bin/bash if [[ $1 == 'gzip' ]]; then tar -zcvf /backups/etc-$(date +%Y%M%d).tar.gz /etc exit 0; elif [[ $1 == 'bzip2' ]]; then tar -jcvf /backups/etc-$(date +%Y%M%d).tar.bz2 /etc exit 0; elif [[ $1 == 'xz' ]]; then tar -Jcvf /backups/etc-$(date +%Y%M%d).tar.xz /etc exit 0; else echo 'unknow argument'; exit 1; fi
(1) 如果为普通文件,则说明其可被正常访问;
(2) 如果是目录文件,则说明可对其使用cd命令;
(3) 如果为符号链接文件,则说明是个访问路径;
(4) 其它为无法判断;
#!/bin/bash if [[ -h $1 ]]; then echo "$1 is an symbolic link"; exit 0; elif [[ -f $1 ]]; then echo "$1 is a file can be access normally"; exit 0; elif [[ -d $1 ]]; then echo "$1 is an directory can be access by using cd command"; exit 0; else echo 'unknow argument'; exit 1; fi
(1) 如果主机名为空或为localhost,或为""(none)"",则将其命名为mail.magedu.com;
(2) 否则,显示现有的主机名即可;
#!/bin/bash if [[ $(hostname) =~ localhost* ]] || [[ -z $(hostname) ]] || [[ $(hostname) == "(none)" ]]; then hostname www.magedu.com fi echo $(hostname)
(1) 如果用户的id号为0, 则显示其为管理员;
(2) 如果用户的id号大于0且小于500, 则显示其为系统用户;
(3) 否则,则显示其为普通用户;
#!/bin/bash if [[ -z $1 ]]; then echo "must to have one user input"; exit 1; fi if [[ $(id -u $1) ]]; then let user_id=$(id -u $1); if [[ $user_id -eq 0 ]]; then echo "$1 is root"; exit 0; elif [[ $user_id -lt 500 ]]; then echo "$1 is an system user"; exit 0; else echo "$1 is an normal user"; exit 0; fi else: echo "user $1 is not exists" fi
(1) 如果用户的id号大于等于500,且其默认shell为以sh结尾的字符串,则显示“a user can log system.”类的字符串;
(2) 否则,则显示无法登录系统;
#!/bin/bash user_name=$1; function get_default_shell { echo "$(cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: -v user_name=$1 '{ if ($1 == user_name)print $7 }')"; } user_shell=$(get_default_shell $user_name) let user_id=$(id -u $1); if [[ $user_id -gt 500 ]] && [[ $user_shell =~ .*sh ]]; then echo "a user can log system"; exit 0; else echo "a user can not log system"; exit 1; fi
11、写一个脚本,完成如下任务 :
(1) 按顺序分别复制/var/log目录下的每个直接文件或子目录至/tmp/test1-testn目录中;
(2) 复制目录时,才使用cp -r命令;
(3) 复制文件时使用cp命令;
(4) 复制链接文件时使用cp -d命令;
(5) 余下的所有类型,使用cp -a命令;
#!/bin/bash if [[ ! -e /tmp/test1-testn ]]; then rm -rf /tmp/test1-testn; fi mkdir -p /tmp/test1-testn for f in $(ls /var/log); do file_path="/var/log/$f" if [[ -d $file_path ]]; then cp -R $file_path /tmp/test1-testn; elif [[ -f $file_path ]]; then cp $file_path /tmp/test1-testn; elif [[ -h $file_path ]]; then cp -d $file_path /tmp/test1-testn; else cp -a $file_path /tmp/test1-testn; fi done