1、每天的2点和12点整,将/etc备份至/testdir/backup目录中,保存的文件名称格式为“etcbak-yyyy-mm-dd-HH.tar.xz” mkdir /testdir/backup vim /root/bin/etcbak.sh tar cvf /testdir/backup/etcbak-`date "+%F-%H"`.tar.xz /etc chmod +x etcbak.sh crontab -e 0 2,12 * * * /root/bin/etcbak.sh 2、每周2, 4, 7备份/var/log/messages文件至/logs目录中,文件名形如“messages-yyyymmdd” vim /root/bin/messages.sh cp /var/log/messages /app/logs/messages-`date "+%Y%m%d"` chmod +x messages.sh crontab -e 0 0 * * 2,4,7 /root/bin/messages.sh 3、每两小时取出当前系统/proc/meminfo文件中以S或M开头的信息追加至/tmp/meminfo.txt文件中 crontab -e 0 */2 * * * grep "^[S|M].*" /proc/meminfo >> /tmp/meminfo.txt 4、工作日时间,每10分钟执行一次磁盘空间检查,一旦发现任何分区利用率高于80%,就执行wall警报 crontab -e vim disk.sh [ `df -h |grep "^/dev/sd" |tr -s " " "%"|cut -d"%" -f5|sort -nr|head -1` -lt 80 ] || wall Disk will be full */10 * * * * /root/bin/disk.sh 5、编写脚本/root/bin/createuser.sh,实现如下功能:使用一个用户名做为参数,如果指定参数的用户存在,就显示其存在,否则添加之;显示添加的用户的id号等信息 read -p "give an username:" name if id $name &> /dev/null;then echo "the user is exist" else useradd $name echo "user id is `id -u $name`" fi 6、编写脚本/root/bin/yesorno.sh,提示用户输入yes或no,并判断用户输入的是yes还是no,或是其它信息 read -p "go with me play football,yes or no :" answer answer=`echo $answer | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'` if [ $answer == yes -o $answer == y ] ; then echo "you are a playboy" elif [ $answer == no -o $answer == n ] ; then echo "you are not a playboy" else echo "you answer is false" fi 7、编写脚本/root/bin/filetype.sh,判断用户输入文件路径,显示其文件类型(普通,目录,链接,其它文件类型) read -p "you must give filename:" filename if [ -L $filename ];then echo "the file is link file" elif [ -f $filename ];then echo "the file is flat file" elif [ -d $filename ];then echo "the file is dir file" elif [ -b $filename ];then echo "the file is block device file" elif [ -c $filename ];then echo "the file is char device file" elif [ -p $filename ];then echo "the file is pipe file" elif [ -S $filename ];then echo "the file is socket file" else echo "You input the wrong filename" fi 8、编写脚本/root/bin/checkint.sh,判断用户输入的参数是否为正整数 read -p "plase input number:" num if [[ "$num" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]];then echo "the number is positive whole number" else echo "input error" fi 9、判断/var/目录下所有文件的类型 for i in $@ ; do if [ -L $i ];then echo "the $i is link file" elif [ -f $i ];then echo "the $i is flat file" elif [ -d $i ];then echo "the $i is dir file" elif [ -b $i ];then echo "the $i is block device file" elif [ -c $i ];then echo "the $i is char device file" elif [ -p $i ];then echo "the $i is pipe file" elif [ -S $i ];then echo "the $i is socket file" else echo "You input the weong filename" fi done 10、添加10个用户user1-user10,密码为8位随机字符 for i in {1..10};do if id user$i &> /dev/null ; then echo "the user$i is exsit" passwd `tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'< /dev/urandom |head -c8` &> /dev/null | passwd --stdin user$i &> /dev/null echo "user$i passwd is finished" else useradd user$i passwd `tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'< /dev/urandom |head -c8` &> /dev/null | passwd --stdin user$i &> /dev/null echo "add user$i and passwd is finished" fi done 11、/etc/rc.d/rc3.d目录下分别有多个以K开头和以S开头的文件; 分别读取每个文件,以K开头的文件输出为文件加stop,以S开头的文件输出为文件名加start “K34filename stop” “S66filename start” 方法一: ls /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ | sed -n -e 's#^K.*#& stop#p' -e 's#^S.*#& start#p' 方法二: for i in `ls /etc/rc.d/rc3.d` ;do echo $i | sed -n -e 's#^K.*#& stop#p' -e 's#^S.*#& start#p' done 12、编写脚本,提示输入正整数n的值,计算1+2+…+n的总和 read -p "you must give a positive number: " num sum=0 for i in `seq 1 $num` ;do let sum=sum+i done echo "The sum is $sum" 13、编写脚本,提示请输入网络地址,如192.168.0.0,判断输入的网段中主机在线状态 read -p "please input an ip : " IP for i in $IP ; do nmap -v -sn $IP/24 | grep -B 1 "Host is up" done 14、打印九九乘法表 for i in {1..9} ;do for j in `seq 1 $i` ;do echo -e "$i*$j=$(($i*$j))\t\c" done echo done 15、在/testdir目录下创建10个html文件,文件名格式为数字N(从1到10)加随机8个字母,如:1AbCdeFgH.html for i in {1..10} ;do for j in `tr -dc 'a-zA-Z'< /dev/urandom |head -c8` ; do touch /testdir/$i$j.html done done 16、提示输入行数n,打印相应n行的等腰三角形用while实现 方法一: for i in {1..9} ; do for j in `seq 1 $((9-$i))` ; do echo -e " \c" done for k in `seq 1 $((2*$i-1))` ;do echo -e "^\c" done echo done 方法二 i=1 while [ $i -le 9 ] ; do j=1 while [ $j -le $((9-$i)) ] ; do echo -e " \c" let j++ done k=1 while [ $k -le $((2*$i-1)) ] ; do echo -e "^\c" let k++ done let i++ echo done 17、编写脚本,求100以内所有正奇数之和 方法一 i=0 sumji1=0 sumou1=0 while [ $i -le 100 ] ; do if [ $(($i%2)) == 0 ] ;then let sumou1=sumou1+i else let sumji1=sumji1+i fi let i++ done echo "The sumji is $sumji1" echo "The sumou is $sumou1" 方法二: for i in {1..100};do if [ $(($i%2)) == 0 ] ;then let sumou=sumou+i else let sumji=sumji+i fi done echo "The sumji is $sumji" echo "The sumou is $sumou" 18、编写脚本,提示请输入网络地址,如192.168.0.0,判断输入的网段中主机在线状态,并统计在线主机和离线主机各多少 read -p "please input an ip : " IP ip=$IP i=0 ipup=0 ipdown=0 while [ $i -le 2 ] ; do j=0 while [ $j -le 2 ] ; do if [ $i == 0 -a $j == 0 ] || [ $i==255 -a $j == 255 ] ;then ping -b -c 1 -W 1 $ip.$i.$j &> /dev/null if [ $? == 0 ] ; then echo "The $ip.$i.$j is up" let ipup++ else echo "The $ip.$i.$j is down" &> /dev/null let ipdown++ fi else ping -c 1 -W 1 $ip.$i.$j &> /dev/null if [ $? == 0 ] ; then echo "The $ip.$i.$j is up" let ipup++ else echo "The $ip.$i.$j is down" &> /dev/null let ipdown++ fi fi let j++ done let i++ done echo "host up is $ipup" echo "host down is $ipdown" 19、编写脚本,打印九九乘法表 i=1 while [ $i -le 9 ] ; do j=1 while [ $j -le $i ] ; do echo -e "$i*$j=$(($i*$j))\t\c" let j++ done echo let i++ done 20、编写脚本,利用变量RANDOM生成10个随机数字,输出这个10数字,并显示其中的最大值和最小值 方法一: for i in {1..10} ; do k=`echo $RANDOM` l="$l $k" if [ $i -eq 1 ] ; then let max=$k let min=$k fi if [ $k -ge $max ]; then let max=$k elif [ $k -le $min ] ; then let min=$k fi done echo $l echo max $max echo min $min 方法二: i=1 while [ $i -lt 10 ] ; do k=`echo $RANDOM` l="$l $k" if [ $i -eq 1 ] ; then let max=$k let min=$k fi if [ $k -ge $max ]; then let max=$k elif [ $k -le $min ] ; then let min=$k fi let i++ done echo $l echo max $max echo min $min 方法三: i=1 while [ $i -le 10 ] ; do let random=`echo $RANDOM` z="$z $random" while [ $i -eq 1 ] ; do let max=$random let min=$random let i++ done j=1 while [[ $j -le 1 ]] ;do [[ $random -gt $max ]] && max=$random let j++ done j=1 while [[ $j -le 1 ]] ;do [[ $random -lt $min ]] && min=$random let j++ done let i++ done echo the $z echo the max is $max echo the min is $min 21、编写脚本,实现打印国际象棋棋盘 方法一: i=1 while [ $i -le 8 ] ; do if [ $(($i%2)) == 1 ]; then j=1 while [ $j -le 4 ] ; do echo -e "\033[41m \033[0m\c" echo -e "\033[43m \033[0m\c" let j++ done else k=1 while [ $k -le 4 ] ; do echo -e "\033[43m \033[0m\c" echo -e "\033[41m \033[0m\c" let k++ done fi echo let i++ done 方法二: for i in {1..8} ; do if [ $(($i%2)) == 1 ]; then for j in {1..4} ; do echo -e "\033[41m \033[0m\c" echo -e "\033[43m \033[0m\c" done else for k in {1..4} ; do echo -e "\033[43m \033[0m\c" echo -e "\033[41m \033[0m\c" done fi echo done 方法三: until [ $I -gt 8 ] ; do if [ $(($I%2)) == 1 ]; then J=1 until [ $J -gt 4 ] ; do echo -e "\033[41m \033[0m\c" echo -e "\033[43m \033[0m\c" let J++ done else K=1 until [ $K -gt 4 ] ; do echo -e "\033[43m \033[0m\c" echo -e "\033[41m \033[0m\c" let K++ done fi echo let I++ done 22、后续六个字符串:efbaf275cd、4be9c40b8b、44b2395c46、f8c8873ce0、b902c16c8b、ad865d2f6是通过对随机数变量RANDOM随机执行命令:echo $RANDOM|md5sum|cut –c1-10后的结果,请破解这些字符串对应的RANDOM值 for k in {1..32767} ; do i=`echo $k |md5sum|cut -c1-10` if [ $i == efbaf275cd ] ; then echo "the efbaf275cd is m5m $k create" elif [ $i == 4be9c40b8b ] ; then echo "the 4be9c40b8b is m5m $k create" elif [ $i == 44b2395c46 ] ; then echo "the 44b2395c46 is m5m $k create" elif [ $i == f8c8873ce0 ] ; then echo "the f8c8873ce0 is m5m $k create" elif [ $i == b902c16c8b ] ; then echo "the b902c16c8b is m5m $k create" elif [[ $i == ad865d2f6* ]] ; then echo "the ad865d2f6 is m5m $k create" fi done