Ansible的条件判断语句只有 when 语句,结合变量使用才能显示出它的价值。when的用法:在想要进行判断的语句下面添加when语句即可进行条件判断.
== != > >= < <=
and or not
tasks: #简单的判断 - name: "shutdown Debian flavored systems" command: /sbin/shutdown -t now when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
tasks: #组合形式的判断 - name: "shutdown CentOS 6 and Debian 7 systems" command: /sbin/shutdown -t now when: (ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "6") or (ansible_distribution == "Debian" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7")
tasks: #基于某些task的结果,执行相应的task - command: /bin/false register: result ignore_errors: True - command: /bin/something when: result|failed - command: /bin/something_else when: result|success - command: /bin/still/something_else when: result|skipped
tasks: #如果一些变量没有定义,可以使用Jinja2的define测试。,来执行一些操作 - shell: echo "I've got '{{ foo }}' and am not afraid to use it!" when: foo is defined - fail: msg="Bailing out. this play requires 'bar'" when: bar is undefined
tasks: #有时一些变量的返回结果是字符串,但是你想对它做一些数学运算 - shell: echo "only on Red Hat 6, derivatives, and later" when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_lsb.major_release|int >= 6
--- #对是否执行一些外部任务进行条件判断 - hosts: local vars: test: true tasks: - name: Test test debug: msg="Hello When" when: test - include: pre.yml #根据条件判断,是否include某个外部任务文件。 when: test roles: - { role: /home/aheahe/roles/test, when: test } #结合条件判断,是否加载某个Role
with_items #标准循环
with_nested #嵌套循环
with_dict #字典循环(Looping over hashed)
with_file #循环文件
with_fileglob #通配符循环文件
with_together #循环映射
with_subelements #子元素循环
with_sequence #生成一系列的数字
with_random_choice #任意选择
#with_first_found #选择第一个找到的,不会用
with_lines #循环程序执行的输出信息with_items:{{command_result.stdout_lines}}
with_flattened #循环列表中的列表的item
--- - hosts: local #with_item 和 with_nested 用法 vars: Sta: false User: [ "Aheahe","yunzhonghe" ] tasks: - name: Standard Loops debug: msg="{{ item.name }},{{ item.fun }}" with_items: #生成标准循环 - { name: Loops, fun: xx } - { name: Conditional, fun: yy } when: Sta - name: Nested Loops debug: msg= "name={{ item[0] }},priv={{ item[1] }}" with_nested: #嵌套循环 - "{{ User }}" #这里的User 可以直接使用列表。 - [ "Student","Engineer","Friends" ]
--- - hosts: local #with_dict 用法 # vars_files: # hash.yml vars: users: alice: name: Alice Appleworth telephone: 123-456-7890 bob: name: Bob Bananarama telephone: 987-654-3210 tasks: - name: Print phone records debug: msg="User item.key is item.value.name item.value.telephone " with_dict: users #循环列表可以查看输出信息。以获取结果
--- - hosts: local #with_file 与 with_fileglob 用法。 vars: test_file: false tasks: - name: test file shell: echo {{ item }} with_file: #循环文件的内容 - test #test文件里面为任意内容。 - test1 when: test_file - name: Test file Glob shell: echo {{ item }} with_fileglob: #循环文件的通配符。 - /home/aheahe/playbook/*
--- - hosts: local #with_together用法 vars: alpha: [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ] numbers: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] test: [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ] tasks: - debug: msg="{{ item.0 }} and {{ item.1 }} and {{ item.2 }}" with_together: #循环映射信息 - "{{alpha}}" - "{{numbers}}" - "{{test}}"
--- - hosts: local #with_subelement用法 vars: users: - name: alice authorized: - /tmp/alice/onekey.pub - /tmp/alice/twokey.pub mysql: password: mysql-password hosts: - "%" - "" - "::1" - "localhost" privs: - "*.*:SELECT" - "DB1.*:ALL" - name: bob authorized: - /tmp/bob/id_rsa.pub mysql: password: other-mysql-password hosts: - "db1" privs: - "*.*:SELECT" - "DB2.*:ALL" tasks: - name: Test1 shell: echo "name={{ item.name }}" with_items: "{{users}}" - name: Test2 shell: echo "User={{ item.0.name }},key={{ item.1 }}" with_subelements: #循环子元素。 - users - authorized
--- - hosts: local tasks: - name: Learn loop sequence debug: msg={{ item }} with_sequence: start=0 end=6 stride=2
--- - hosts: local # with_random_choice 用法 tasks: - name: Learn Random debug: msg={{ item }} with_random_choice: - "go through the door" - "drink from the goblet" - "press the red button" - "do nothing"
--- - hosts: local #with_lines 用法 tasks: - name: test result shell: echo {{ item }} with_lines: /bin/df -Th - name: flattened loop demo #with_flatted用法 yum: name={{ item }} state=installed with_flattened: - "{{packages_base}}" - "{{packages_apps}}"
---- # file: roles/foo/vars/main.yml packages_base: - [ 'foo-package', 'bar-package' ] packages_apps: - [ ['one-package', 'two-package' ]] - [ ['red-package'], ['blue-package']]